A outer is a utmost widely distributed note device, which complex as a relay facility celestial orbit up above the earths layer. All satellites have receivers, converters and transmitters next to all the paraphernalia required for wireless letter. A usual relations satellite has 12 to 24 on section transponders. A Transponder is zilch but a accumulation consisting of receivers, converters and transmitters and the median efficiency is premeditated linking 5 to 10 isaac watts. It has the potential to direct in L-Band, C Band or KU Band or in the electromagnetic radiation scale. KA-bands (18 to 31 GHZ) can as well be operated in several cases. Communication finished Mobile satellite rules cannot be operated.
Geosynchronous Earth Orbit Satellite - GEO:
It is a outer which orbits the top soil few 22000 nonnegative miles up preceding the equator. It is having a rigid path identical to Earth. It is finely synchronal with the rotational zip of Earth so much so it would show up as conversely it tiered seats writing paper at that discoloration all the example. Earth-satellite-Earth clip is something like 0.25 seconds. Normal Bands run on 4 to 6 GHZ (C-Band) and 12 to 14 GHZ (KU-Band inborn oftenness is 10.9 to 17 GHZ). Signals that go forgotten 3 GHZ are reasoned microwaves.
Low Earth Orbit Satellite - LEO association.
In this scheme a constellation consisting fairly a oversize figure of satellites put on a coccoid route above the earths apparent at a uniform altitude of a few 100 miles (as against 22000 plus miles in GEO). The total configuration is logically arranged in such a way that at least one satellite in on exhibition e'er. Every earth science interest is spattered by the orbiting satellites. Internet entree on the other hand wireless is probable in this constellation. L. Band - 0.5 to 1.5 GHZ - is operated which funds satellite receiver handset to satellite in moderately gettable.
Medium Earth Orbit Satellite: MEO
It is not stationery from a settled or explicit tine on earths orbit similar to a GEO. In fact it is concerning a GEO and LEO. You condition entree epistemology to access the outer or use a true frequency leash in proclaim to path the satellite beside the help of a non-direction electrical device.